3 Good reasons to outsource payroll

There are a lot of great software packages out there that make it easy to imagine doing your own payroll. When you have just one employee on salary, it’s simple.  But when a business starts to grow, you’ll have to hire more employees, and you find the job is not as easy as it once was.  You may have hourly, salary, overtime, benefit plans, and non-cash benefits just to name a few that all must be considered to be sure the taxes withheld and paid by your company are correct.  Mistakes made in payroll can be massively expensive, so it is not something for the uninitiated to tackle.  I liken it to plumbing.  Making a few plumbing connections might seem easy, but if not done correctly and there is a leak – you’ll wish you called a plumber from the beginning.

Reason 1 – Stay compliant and don’t pay the penalties!

Payroll can often be complex, and it is easy to make a mistake.  An outsourced payroll firm is in the business of doing payroll.  They do it every day and their expertise can help you avoid the costly payroll penalties that you might encounter doing it on your own. 

We frequently onboard new clients after the owner discovers things such as the payroll tax deposits weren’t being made, or a certain form wasn’t being filed. We help clients get any penalties removed and bring their payroll back into compliance.  New clients usually wish they had made the switch to outsourcing earlier.

Reason 2 – Go on vacation and leave it to someone else

Payroll is time sensitive.  It must be run on the day that you promise your employees it would be done.  So, if you are planning on taking a cruise around the Mediterranean, be sure to take your laptop so you can run payroll. Sounds like a dream come true! Even if it is someone in your company that is doing the payroll, they may call in sick or take time off.  An outsourced payroll firm like The Keller Group will run the payroll on time, every time, on your schedule.  At least two people are familiar with every payroll in our firm so we can be sure that a pay run is never missed.

Reason 3 – Free up more time to run your business

You did not go into business to process payroll; you went into business to provide whatever good or service that you offer.  What value does it bring to your company?  Every task taken on by an owner or staff person takes away from the time allotted to working on the company’s reason for existence.  There is always more on the to do list than there is time.  Buy back some of that time and use it to improve your business.  It is one of the most important things we think an owner can take off their plate so they can be more productive.

So, stop being penny wise and pound foolish and stop doing your own payroll. We have found that time and again, if an owner had outsourced this one thing, they would have saved themselves countless aggravating and expensive hours.  Please feel free to schedule a meeting with one of our staff to see if outsourcing is right for you.





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